"I'm Trying Hard to Grow.... Please Don't Walk on Me."

We've all seen these signs all over campus, and they are a perfect example that mass communication. The BYU version of the Don't Walk on the Grass sign can be found all throughout campus, usually on the corner of a section of grass. We've all seen them, and sometimes we choose to ignore them. Some generous souls do lengthen their stride a little to avoid the tiny patch of grass that's trying so hard to grow. There are just enough of these sign obeying people that in a week or two, the sign is removed. Once the sign is gone though, the grass gets trampled again by all the students who want to save a few more steps by cutting corners. After a few more weeks the sign returns, recalling our attention to the poor patch of grass that is being neglected.
At the beginning of the semester, it seemed that a lot more people were obeying the request of the sign and avoiding the grass. The signs would disappear faster and return slower. But half way through the semester, the signs seem to stay there permanently. This may be due to the change of season and the grass not growing as fast, but I'm going to assume that it's because of one of the problems with mass communication. Because a sign is read by just about everyone, it's easy to say to yourself, "Other people won't walk on the grass, so it's not going to hurt it if only one person does," and then you promptly walk across it. The problem is everyone else is thinking the same thing so everyone walks on the grass. Mass communication is meant for everyone, and because everyone knows everyone else is getting the same message, it's easy to say that you don't need to do it because other people will. Now if the sign was addressed people specifically by name, (making it more interpersonal communication) it would probably be a little more effective.

Glee's version of Sweet Caroline

One of our top 5 TV series, Glee come up again in our daily post for this week's theme: MUSIC. If you are Glee lovers, you must be so excited as its songs have been released on iTunes featured in this week's episode of Glee, including cast versions of Young MC's "Bust A Move", Neil Daimond's "Sweet Caroline" and Sigqo's "Thong Song".

"Glee: The Music, Volume 1," the first in a series of soundtracks will be released on Tuesday, Nov.3. "Glee: The Music, Volume 1" is expected to come up in several chart-topping hits.

Enjoy the music!

Jer3miah - BYU's compelling web series

Beyond Napoleon Dynamite, there is more great movies coming from BYU. One such example is the web series "Jer3miah." Made by BYU students, the web series Jer3miah follows the adventure and mystery of a BYU student who is discovering who he is, and why there are people trying to kill him. It is well made, compelling, and addictive. Beyond just watching the episodes, the viewers are invited to join in trying to solve the mystery through the show's companion websites zoobynews.com and thedavenportpapers.ning.com

See the pilot episode here:


Art is something that a lot of people shy away from because they think that it is over their head, but art doesn't always mean what you think it does. The debate "what is art?" is frequently discussed and varies from person to person. Recently I came across a website that to me expressed a unique view of the world. The website is https://redvelvetart.com and I am completely in love. They offer unique art items that cannot be found anywhere else. They offer clothing, stationary, art prints and much much more. Art is about expressing how you view the world and just by looking at this website you can tell exactly how artist Elise Falnnigian sees it.



All photos can be found on redvelvetart.com

BYUs top 5 music loves

First up is Owl City. This one man band is the latest sensation to hit campus. The electronic style of music is a great hit. Check out http://www.owlcitymusic.com/ for samples of songs and albums.

Second we have Joseph: A Nashville Tribute to the Prophet. This CD is fantastic if you love country or simply love to feel the spirit, check this album out!!! The music is inspiring and really helps to build your testimony of Joseph Smith and what an amazing example of Christ he really was.

3rd Missionary music. Almost an oxymoron. In this odd little commentary I just want to say this, after 2 years of listening to the greatest LDS artists…I’m pretty sure I never want to hear another EFY song for at least two more additional years. Yes, I respect and enjoy good LDS music that helps me feel the spirit and teaches me in a small way about the gospel, but after two years straight of nothing than the Tabernacle Choir and EFY remixes of old hymns, I am not sure how long it will be before I can appreciate them again. I can honestly say that I listened to the same MoTab and Nashville Tribute albums hundreds of times, and sometimes I wonder “is it really possible to make 300 different versions of ‘Come thou fount of every blessing?’ Nevertheless, I do look forward to the time when I will be able to appreciate this music again. Although I have to admit, the final choir number in this last General Conference (“Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing”) just about made me a believer again. (You can find it here.)

fourth Chinese MusicForeign music, why not? At BYU’s amazing foreign language department, I’m sure that many students are exploring all different kinds of music from Chinese, Korean to Italian. To me, listening to songs in another language is very relaxing as I don’t have to focus that much on the lyrics but flow with the melody instead.

My top choice is Chinese songs. Anyone who is into Chinese music must have known Jay Chou, a Taiwanese musician, singer. Jay Chou composed all of his songs with meaningful, imagery- and emotionally-rich lyrics, sometimes written in the form of ancient Chinese poetry with reference to Chinese history or folklore. His music is a very interesting combination of traditional and modern Chinese culture. 夜曲(Ye Qu) - Nocturne is one of his old song, but it is always one of my top favorite songs.

5th but certainly not least...The Temper Trap.This is a new band that was recently featured on the 500 Days of Summer Soundtrack with their hit single Sweet Disposition. There new CD, Conditions, Dropped last week. They are a band from Australia and have a very unique sound. You can find their music on itunes or youtube.com.


A {Short} Concert Review

So I'm technically supposed to post on Saturday, but since it's real early Sunday, can that still count?

I got home late last night from the AMAZING Ingrid Michaelson concert and just had to share 3 things.

1. Ingrid is incredible. Her voice is so much better live and I didn't think that this was possible.

2. Audience participation is so much more fun. I think I am deaf today, but I don't mind.

3. The opening act, Matthew Perryman Jones is someone that everyone should be forced to listen to. For reals. Best vocals and lovely lyrics. Check him out.


.picture credit from Google search