Movies and Mustaches

Last week I mentioned mustaches and a promise for more, but since it is movie week, I'll start with that.

I am actually just curious about the kind of movies you watch. I had the flu two weeks ago, and when you are lying in bed in pain, quarantined from the world, movies are your only hope. A dear friend brought over Juno and Grey's Anatomy Season 3 {not a movie, I know, but still on DVD} for me to watch. Before you judge me for being so girlie, please note that I had already watched every Star Wars ever made, The Lord of the Rings, and Batman Begins. And maybe some Disney movies {never too old!}. So I'm curious about two things:

1. If you came down with the flu and had unlimited access to all movies, what 5 would pick?

2. What are your favorite kinds of movies? Are you a chick flick, action/adventure, sci-fi, international? What floats your boat with the flat screen tv?

now on to mustaches...

Mustaches are an interesting thing at BYU: Honor Code approved, yet still shunned by most. But after they have been the subject of several articles in the Daily Universe, they have made a reappearance. What are mustaches silently communicating? Tell me, if you have a mustache, what is your inspiration? And, if you don't, how do you feel about them?

check out the DU articles here

top ten mustaches found here

Precious Movie Release

"Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious."

Bashed on the "Push" nevel by Sapphire, "Precious" movie is about a sexually abused teenage girl named Claireece Precious Jones. Endured unimaginable hardships in her young life, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate, fat, unloved and generally unnoticed. So what better way to learn about her than through her own, halting dialect. "Precious" is a very powerful and moving story that's coming out in theather today.

a few comments about our music

1)The playlist will not play automatically anymore.

2)If you have a favorite song or a piece of music that you think we should showcase for other BYU students tell us about it and well put it on our playlist.

3)In the mean time, check out Grooveshark (recomended to us by a blogger). It's pretty legit once you understand how it works.


BYU's animation program is one of the best in the nation. They've won several awards and continue to do so. Kites is an Emmy winning short film about a young boy and his grandfather who have a magical outing one day while flying kites. It really is amazing how much you can communicate without saying anything.

Kudos to BYU animation! Keep up the good work.

I don't believe this is the full short film, but it's enough to get the general idea of the story.

BYU Media Watch

Thank you to everyone that is making this site a success! We are loving the comments and suggestions that you guys have. If there is anything that you would like to see posted on the blog let us know. You may contact us at or leave a comment below.


"As You Wish"

sooooo i was supposed to post my blog about one of my favorite movies - well it doesn't exactly need to be a favorite i suppose.... anyway, i was supposed to post it on Wednesday but today is early early Thursday morning. instead of gushing about this movie i'm going to simply quote one of the better known phrases and then let you comment from there:

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

ok so i cant not quote another line from the 1987 classic, especially becuase it relates so well to what this entire blog is about - communications. the grandfather says this to his sick grandson at the very beginning of the movie "When I was your age, television was called books."

is that not the most fantastic line ever?? haha ok so there are plenty of better/equally fun quotes from this movie but my point is that even in The Princess Bride (oops gave it away) we learn that communication is always changing.

when i first saw this movie i was about 5 and was watching it on VHS!! it was a pain at first because we had to rewind the whole thing! it was horrible. but then again most Mormon kids grew up watching VHS and more than likely we've all seen The Princess Bride at least once in our lives.

if YOU haven't; however, then borrow your roomates copy.

Top 5 Movies

1. Mouse Hunt

Mouse Hunt (starring Nathan Lane and Lee Evans) is the story of two brothers who, through a series of unfortunate events, end up moving into their late father's 18th century house. They discover that the house is actually worth a good deal of money, but their attempts to renovate the house and sell it are thwarted by a mouse. An all out war erupts between the field mouse and the brothers. Mouse Hunt is a good, old-fashioned slapstick comedy, and includes an appearance by Christopher Walken as an exterminator. Mouse Hunt is rated PG and was directed by Gore Verbinski (director of Pirates of the Caribbean).

2. The Grudge

The Grudge: Paralyzed by Fear

Karen Davis, an American Nurse, moved to Tokyo where strange events started to happen to her. Later, she found out that these events are related to a supernatural spirit who is vengeful and often possesses its victims. A series of horrifying and mysterious deaths started to occurs, with the spirit passing its curse onto each victims. Realizing that she would be the next victim, Karen had to find a way to break the spell...
Rated: PG-13

3. Saints and Soldiers

One of the most successful movies to come out of the LDS movie scene has been the World War Two film Saints and Soldiers. Made by Ryan Little, the movie follows a handful of American soldiers after they escape the Malmedy Massacre in the Battle of the Bulge. At the heart of the story is a young soldier named “Deacon,” who very well could be Mormon (at least that is what is implied by the story line, but never told directly.) The story explores some of the complications of war and religion, and one’s belief in God. The movie covers the topic carefully and tactfully and is not too preachy.
Even though it was made on a very small budget it is still well made. Much of the film was done in Sun Dance and some of it even in Alpine. Saint and Soldiers did very well at film festivals, winning many awards.
And by the way, if you want to see another movie about a Mormon (at least he probably was) that takes place in Utah (at least some of it) check out Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

4. 500 Days of Summer

This may seem like a love story, but I warn you it is not. Yes it is about love and two people, but it is not a love story. This film got rave reviews at Sundance Film Festival this last spring and did extremely well at the box office. This is a film for both men and woman alike. I promise that you will be able to relate to this film in one way or another. It will soon be coming to our very own dollar theatre here in Provo so make sure that you don't miss it.

5. Support Your Local Sheriff

My most favorite movie in the whole wide world would have to be Support Your Local Sheriff. Let me take you back in time, when Westerns used to be popular. John Wayne was a real man, but he was nothing in comparison to what James Garner had to offer. That's right, the old guy from The Notebook. Give him a badge and a hat and he can do anything. Even keep the bad guys in a jail with no bars. Really.
When Jason McCullough comes to a mining town that struck gold, forcing them to develop faster than the law, he accepts the position of sheriff and sets out to clean up the town. He teams up with the town character and the oddest girl you ever did meet to put the town back in order. And he makes me laugh the whole time.
So enjoy. Because it is awesome.

Party in the U.S.A.

You may not like Miley Cyrus but her new song Party in the U.S.A. has topped the charts. They reason why I am blogging about this particular subject today is because some very funny boys from sunny California have decided to take this song and make it their own. The have gone viral on with more than 2 million hits. Check this music video out and let us know what you think. You just might get a good laugh.

Parks and Recreation

I will admit it. I like to laugh. And I kind of like some television. So you put them together, add some Office-like humor, and you have one of my new favorites: Parks and Recreation.

Remember Amy Poehler, of Saturday Night Live? And Baby Mama? Well, she has teamed up with NBC to document the activities of the head of the Parks and Recreation department in Pawnee, Indiana. Follow Leslie Knope as she turns a pit into a park. And does some other stuff, too. This week's episode was just so funny to me. You have to watch it. Really.

Go here.

And the guy with the mustache always makes me laugh. Not because he's funny. But because he has that mustache. I think the recent mustache trend at BYU is taking it's toll on me... More on that next week.