"As You Wish"

sooooo i was supposed to post my blog about one of my favorite movies - well it doesn't exactly need to be a favorite i suppose.... anyway, i was supposed to post it on Wednesday but today is early early Thursday morning. instead of gushing about this movie i'm going to simply quote one of the better known phrases and then let you comment from there:

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

ok so i cant not quote another line from the 1987 classic, especially becuase it relates so well to what this entire blog is about - communications. the grandfather says this to his sick grandson at the very beginning of the movie "When I was your age, television was called books."

is that not the most fantastic line ever?? haha ok so there are plenty of better/equally fun quotes from this movie but my point is that even in The Princess Bride (oops gave it away) we learn that communication is always changing.

when i first saw this movie i was about 5 and was watching it on VHS!! it was a pain at first because we had to rewind the whole thing! it was horrible. but then again most Mormon kids grew up watching VHS and more than likely we've all seen The Princess Bride at least once in our lives.

if YOU haven't; however, then borrow your roomates copy.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how I can take this blog seriously with this grammer.

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