sites to describe my siblings

  • My siblings, growing up in the LDS home that they do, are online all day everyday in our living room. My little brother (age 8), plays on ClubPenguin where he can chat with his buddies and play games through his penguin avatar in a virtual, snow-covered world. He loves playing outside too much though, so he isn't addicted to the computer just yet, thank goodness.

  • My youngest sister (age 12), is in that stage where she still does a little bit of ClubPenguin and is really getting into Facebook. I don't think Facebook needs an explanation; however, it's a site where she can upload all her photos and leave messages on her friends' and family's walls telling them how much she loves and misses her oldest sister who happens to be away at college... ;) She's extremely artistic and would love Picnik assuming she hasn't discovered it yet. It's a great site if you don't have a Mac to photoshop your pictures on. To get all the extra funky applications you do have to sign up and pay, but the free editing tools are fantastic.

  • Finally, my immediately younger sister (age 15 next Wednesday!!!!), is a Facebook junkie - who isn't at that age? - but is the athlete of our family and I'm predicting that she'll soon be a Maxpreps pro. She's all about competition and loves pushing herself in sports so hopefully she'll one day be all over Maxpreps rather than just keeping tabs on her school.

This week our communications focus is on websites that Cougars are interested in/know about. I chose to blog a little on the three sites mentinoed above because Thanksgiving is just around the corner and soon I'll get to see my family!! I'm thankful for my siblings and their various interests which can be concluded by the websites they visit. They add such a strong dynamic to our family and I can't imagine who I'd be without them. I hope everyone has a wonderful Holliday this upcoming season and I challenge you to link your siblings to their favorite sites, this was an interesting experience for me.

**Internet Tip**
Keep your computer out in the open - like the kitchen or family room - becuase it helps prevent your children from finding (accidentally or on purpose) sites that they shouldn't be on


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