Got Flu?

Hey guys check out this video by our very own BYU students. It is pretty funny. Make sure you watch until the end. I am seeing some parallels with the Count of Monte Cristo here. Enjoy!

500 days of summer.

PROVO. 500 Days of Summer has finally arrived at the dollar theatre so please for your sake go see it. Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, and well if I told you what happened you wouldn't want to go see it. You may think it's a love story but I warn you beforehand it's not. I promise all you single people out there that it will leave you with a little bit of hope. The soundtrack to the film is amazing. It features The Temper Trap, The Smiths and Regina Spektor. The DVD comes out in Decemeber 22 so if you are not willing to spend the $1.25 it costs to go see it at the dollar theatre you can always wait and rent it :]

Another Awesome BYU blog

What do BYU people like? General Conference? Playing the Piano? Texting in church? Yes. All of them.

Fellow blogsite covers all these topics and more. The blog could be described as an insightful, sometimes stinging, and extremely funny editorial on BYU student life. Here's a short segment from the latest post about the plethora of students who seem to pretend to be able to play the piano:

"EVERY student at BYU plays the piano.

Not all BYU students play the piano well.

Every BYU student THINKS they play the piano well enough to show off once in a while.

Get used to a whole lot of choppy John Schmidt and Fur Elise.

While there is merit in mastering the timeless instrument, BYU kids only dabble in piano enough so that when they are feeling awkward at a church social or house party they can sit down at a piano bench and whip out a solo to impress the previously-uninterested member of the opposite sex. If you are ever the target of this ploy, do not ask the faux piano player to play more than two songs. They do not know more than two, and you will have shunned their advances by requesting such a thing from them."

...and the post goes on, it's great.

For me personally though, there was a little bit of a back fire when I realized I am one of those that can only play a few songs on the piano, and usually just pretend to... well, nevermind.

Check it out.

Interesting Facts.

Today I heard someone tell a random fact about the population of Moscow, Russia. I thought, "Who needs to know that?"

My conclusion: Probably the people that study the population of Russia.

Which lead me to another question... what kind of useless facts do I know?

So I thought I would share.

Useless fact #1:
Some farmers in Japan figured out how to grow watermelons in the shapes of rectangles. They did it to conserve shelf space.

Useless fact #2:
25% of BYU students are married. (This made me feel better until I realized that out of the remaining 75% about 60% have significant others... leaving the single population at a dwindling 15%, but enough about that).

Useless fact #3:
Shakespeare was only 18 when he married his wife Ann Hathaway who was 26. (Cougar anyone?)

Useless fact #4:
I know someone that knows someone that was an extra in the Twilight movie. She said that Kristen Stewart is mean. I believe her.

Useless fact #5:
I have met someone that can lick their elbow. It is not impossible.

Useless fact #6:
If you drink ice water your body burns mores calories because it has to warm up the liquid.

Useless fact #7:
During the average lifetime of a man or a woman they will grow 590 miles of hair.

Do you have any random facts that you love?! Let us know.
Feel free to comment.
My favorite time waster would most definitely have to be My Life is Average.

MLIA is one of those websites where anyone can submit a nice little average blurb about their life. But what, you might ask, is the difference between MLIA and FML? Well, on MLIA reader put it this way:

FML is for the "cool" people, who get proposed to with ringpops and hate it, MLIA is for the dorky people who wish they were proposed to like that.

Positive versus negative, if you will.

Here are some of my favorite MLIA

~Today I woke up in bed sleeping horizontally, not vertically. I didn't think about it until I turned my head and saw a note. The note said, "Thank you for your cooperation, sorry we couldn't put you back correctly, but we were pressed for time." This worries me slightly. MLIA.

~Today, I found out that it is illegal to dress up as batman in Australia. My heart goes out to you, Australia. MLIA

Today, I was talking to my bestfriends younger sister. During a game of 20 Questions I asked her what her 3 weapons would be during a zombie invasion. Her answer was "Jesus, Dumbledore, and Chuck Norris". My best friend doesn't know this, but he's that much closer to being replaced. MLIA

And while we're laughing, check out Awkward Family Photos.

long time no post

Wednesdays are my days to post about media and some sort of communication so this week I'm blogging about one of my favorite comedians. I was first introduced to Bill Cosby on FoxFamily when they played re-runs of The Cosby Show (bloopers). Its hillarious!!

It's clean and full of good family fun. Not too many shows like this one i think, and its too bad

This may be the weirdest thing you experience today...

Children's television has come a long way from the old days of Sesame Street and Mr. Rodgers, but I’m so sure that Nick Jr.’s “Yo Gabba Gabba” would be considered progression, more just like going way off the beaten path. Way off. I was recently told about this odd television show from a friend back in San Diego. What would make a college student want to watch a very weird children’s show? The fact that they have had guests like Tony Hawk, Shiny Toy Guns, Elijah Wood, The Shins, The Ting Tings, and the Aquabats. There is even an episode starring Jack Black that was guest directed by BYU’s very own Jared Hess.
Check out this clip from the show, and you decide, does this really qualify as good children’s television, or is it just really really out there? Hmmmm…

Gentlemanly Communication

The following letter arrived in the Daily Universe this week.

BYU culture struggles to maintain the outdated and patriarchal views that disguise feminine repression through seemingly selfless acts of self-proclaimed “gentlemen.” While walking through campus, I do not see any damsels in distress.

I see competent, intelligent, professional women that do not need a man to hold the door, pay for a date or even present a shiny ring in the traditional manner.

I have hands, thank you. I do not feel flattered when you awkwardly hold the door open for helpless little me. I also have money.

Women who allow men to pay for them on a date are prostituting their worth not only in the relationship, but also in a capitalistic society that strives to provide equal opportunities.

Our income is worth just as much as any man’s labor could produce. Finally, I am equally capable of finding my own mate. My agency need not be stifled by the whim of a male who finally decides that I am worthy to be by his side. I, too, can take a knee; I too can afford a ring. Do you want a princess cut or a solid band?

My fellow sisters in Zion, do not be fooled into thinking that men wear the pants in the relationship. You can, too. Not only are skirts a safety hazard, preventing you from running away from danger, but they are also a symbol of your submissiveness. So, zip up the pants and assume your position next to the man — not behind him.

Mariana Toledo
Sao Paulo, Brazil

I happen to strongly disagree with this viewpoint. I think that it is important for men to show women respect, communicated through their kind actions, and I don't see it as demeaning or sexist. What do you think?

Jason Hewlett

Jason Hewlett is a celebrity impersonator/comedian from Salt Lake City, Utah. He came to my high school and he was incredible. He does everything from Micheal Jackson to Elton John to a dinosaur. I'm not kidding. He impersonates a raptor. It is the craziest thing I have ever seen. On top of all that, he does the most amazing facial expressions I have ever seen. Check it out.


Alright BYU fans now is the time to give it up to the freshman that created this video. They wrote and produced the whole thing themselves and are currently taking by storm. It's creative and hilarious. Check it.

Ninja Assassin

Ninja Assassin, coming out on Nov 25, is a martial arts movie directed by James McTeigue. Raizo is known as one of the world's deadliest assassins. Kidnapped since he as a child, Raizo was trained by the Ozunu Clan to be a killer. After his friend was executed by the clan, Raizo decided to leave and seek revenge later on. At the mean time, in Germany, Mika Coretti, an Europol agent, who is investigating a case linked to the Ozunu Clan. The movie tells the story of Raizo and Mika fighting against the Ozunu clan.
Enjoy Ninja Assassin's Trailer!

sites to describe my siblings

  • My siblings, growing up in the LDS home that they do, are online all day everyday in our living room. My little brother (age 8), plays on ClubPenguin where he can chat with his buddies and play games through his penguin avatar in a virtual, snow-covered world. He loves playing outside too much though, so he isn't addicted to the computer just yet, thank goodness.

  • My youngest sister (age 12), is in that stage where she still does a little bit of ClubPenguin and is really getting into Facebook. I don't think Facebook needs an explanation; however, it's a site where she can upload all her photos and leave messages on her friends' and family's walls telling them how much she loves and misses her oldest sister who happens to be away at college... ;) She's extremely artistic and would love Picnik assuming she hasn't discovered it yet. It's a great site if you don't have a Mac to photoshop your pictures on. To get all the extra funky applications you do have to sign up and pay, but the free editing tools are fantastic.

  • Finally, my immediately younger sister (age 15 next Wednesday!!!!), is a Facebook junkie - who isn't at that age? - but is the athlete of our family and I'm predicting that she'll soon be a Maxpreps pro. She's all about competition and loves pushing herself in sports so hopefully she'll one day be all over Maxpreps rather than just keeping tabs on her school.

This week our communications focus is on websites that Cougars are interested in/know about. I chose to blog a little on the three sites mentinoed above because Thanksgiving is just around the corner and soon I'll get to see my family!! I'm thankful for my siblings and their various interests which can be concluded by the websites they visit. They add such a strong dynamic to our family and I can't imagine who I'd be without them. I hope everyone has a wonderful Holliday this upcoming season and I challenge you to link your siblings to their favorite sites, this was an interesting experience for me.

**Internet Tip**
Keep your computer out in the open - like the kitchen or family room - becuase it helps prevent your children from finding (accidentally or on purpose) sites that they shouldn't be on


I think that photography is one of the most important forms of Media and Communication because it has the ability to capture a moment that you will never get back. I don't mean to sound ridiculously corny, but seriously. There are so many moments when you find yourself distracted by pictures on Facebook or you spend hours going through old photo albums. There is just something about photos that can take you back to that moment better than anything else can.

As the old saying goes:
A picture is worth a thousand words.

This is the website of a young photographer located in Tacoma, Washington. His stuff is innovative. Makes me wish that I could get my senior pictures done again.



This is the site of a professional photographer that came and spoke to my class last year at BYU. Ed is a professional advertising photographer that has probably worked on some of the stuff you have seen in the media. This guy is a master at Photoshop. Not one of his images comes from a single shot.

Movies and Mustaches

Last week I mentioned mustaches and a promise for more, but since it is movie week, I'll start with that.

I am actually just curious about the kind of movies you watch. I had the flu two weeks ago, and when you are lying in bed in pain, quarantined from the world, movies are your only hope. A dear friend brought over Juno and Grey's Anatomy Season 3 {not a movie, I know, but still on DVD} for me to watch. Before you judge me for being so girlie, please note that I had already watched every Star Wars ever made, The Lord of the Rings, and Batman Begins. And maybe some Disney movies {never too old!}. So I'm curious about two things:

1. If you came down with the flu and had unlimited access to all movies, what 5 would pick?

2. What are your favorite kinds of movies? Are you a chick flick, action/adventure, sci-fi, international? What floats your boat with the flat screen tv?

now on to mustaches...

Mustaches are an interesting thing at BYU: Honor Code approved, yet still shunned by most. But after they have been the subject of several articles in the Daily Universe, they have made a reappearance. What are mustaches silently communicating? Tell me, if you have a mustache, what is your inspiration? And, if you don't, how do you feel about them?

check out the DU articles here

top ten mustaches found here

Precious Movie Release

"Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious."

Bashed on the "Push" nevel by Sapphire, "Precious" movie is about a sexually abused teenage girl named Claireece Precious Jones. Endured unimaginable hardships in her young life, she grows up poor, angry, illiterate, fat, unloved and generally unnoticed. So what better way to learn about her than through her own, halting dialect. "Precious" is a very powerful and moving story that's coming out in theather today.

a few comments about our music

1)The playlist will not play automatically anymore.

2)If you have a favorite song or a piece of music that you think we should showcase for other BYU students tell us about it and well put it on our playlist.

3)In the mean time, check out Grooveshark (recomended to us by a blogger). It's pretty legit once you understand how it works.


BYU's animation program is one of the best in the nation. They've won several awards and continue to do so. Kites is an Emmy winning short film about a young boy and his grandfather who have a magical outing one day while flying kites. It really is amazing how much you can communicate without saying anything.

Kudos to BYU animation! Keep up the good work.

I don't believe this is the full short film, but it's enough to get the general idea of the story.

BYU Media Watch

Thank you to everyone that is making this site a success! We are loving the comments and suggestions that you guys have. If there is anything that you would like to see posted on the blog let us know. You may contact us at or leave a comment below.


"As You Wish"

sooooo i was supposed to post my blog about one of my favorite movies - well it doesn't exactly need to be a favorite i suppose.... anyway, i was supposed to post it on Wednesday but today is early early Thursday morning. instead of gushing about this movie i'm going to simply quote one of the better known phrases and then let you comment from there:

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

ok so i cant not quote another line from the 1987 classic, especially becuase it relates so well to what this entire blog is about - communications. the grandfather says this to his sick grandson at the very beginning of the movie "When I was your age, television was called books."

is that not the most fantastic line ever?? haha ok so there are plenty of better/equally fun quotes from this movie but my point is that even in The Princess Bride (oops gave it away) we learn that communication is always changing.

when i first saw this movie i was about 5 and was watching it on VHS!! it was a pain at first because we had to rewind the whole thing! it was horrible. but then again most Mormon kids grew up watching VHS and more than likely we've all seen The Princess Bride at least once in our lives.

if YOU haven't; however, then borrow your roomates copy.

Top 5 Movies

1. Mouse Hunt

Mouse Hunt (starring Nathan Lane and Lee Evans) is the story of two brothers who, through a series of unfortunate events, end up moving into their late father's 18th century house. They discover that the house is actually worth a good deal of money, but their attempts to renovate the house and sell it are thwarted by a mouse. An all out war erupts between the field mouse and the brothers. Mouse Hunt is a good, old-fashioned slapstick comedy, and includes an appearance by Christopher Walken as an exterminator. Mouse Hunt is rated PG and was directed by Gore Verbinski (director of Pirates of the Caribbean).

2. The Grudge

The Grudge: Paralyzed by Fear

Karen Davis, an American Nurse, moved to Tokyo where strange events started to happen to her. Later, she found out that these events are related to a supernatural spirit who is vengeful and often possesses its victims. A series of horrifying and mysterious deaths started to occurs, with the spirit passing its curse onto each victims. Realizing that she would be the next victim, Karen had to find a way to break the spell...
Rated: PG-13

3. Saints and Soldiers

One of the most successful movies to come out of the LDS movie scene has been the World War Two film Saints and Soldiers. Made by Ryan Little, the movie follows a handful of American soldiers after they escape the Malmedy Massacre in the Battle of the Bulge. At the heart of the story is a young soldier named “Deacon,” who very well could be Mormon (at least that is what is implied by the story line, but never told directly.) The story explores some of the complications of war and religion, and one’s belief in God. The movie covers the topic carefully and tactfully and is not too preachy.
Even though it was made on a very small budget it is still well made. Much of the film was done in Sun Dance and some of it even in Alpine. Saint and Soldiers did very well at film festivals, winning many awards.
And by the way, if you want to see another movie about a Mormon (at least he probably was) that takes place in Utah (at least some of it) check out Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

4. 500 Days of Summer

This may seem like a love story, but I warn you it is not. Yes it is about love and two people, but it is not a love story. This film got rave reviews at Sundance Film Festival this last spring and did extremely well at the box office. This is a film for both men and woman alike. I promise that you will be able to relate to this film in one way or another. It will soon be coming to our very own dollar theatre here in Provo so make sure that you don't miss it.

5. Support Your Local Sheriff

My most favorite movie in the whole wide world would have to be Support Your Local Sheriff. Let me take you back in time, when Westerns used to be popular. John Wayne was a real man, but he was nothing in comparison to what James Garner had to offer. That's right, the old guy from The Notebook. Give him a badge and a hat and he can do anything. Even keep the bad guys in a jail with no bars. Really.
When Jason McCullough comes to a mining town that struck gold, forcing them to develop faster than the law, he accepts the position of sheriff and sets out to clean up the town. He teams up with the town character and the oddest girl you ever did meet to put the town back in order. And he makes me laugh the whole time.
So enjoy. Because it is awesome.

Party in the U.S.A.

You may not like Miley Cyrus but her new song Party in the U.S.A. has topped the charts. They reason why I am blogging about this particular subject today is because some very funny boys from sunny California have decided to take this song and make it their own. The have gone viral on with more than 2 million hits. Check this music video out and let us know what you think. You just might get a good laugh.

Parks and Recreation

I will admit it. I like to laugh. And I kind of like some television. So you put them together, add some Office-like humor, and you have one of my new favorites: Parks and Recreation.

Remember Amy Poehler, of Saturday Night Live? And Baby Mama? Well, she has teamed up with NBC to document the activities of the head of the Parks and Recreation department in Pawnee, Indiana. Follow Leslie Knope as she turns a pit into a park. And does some other stuff, too. This week's episode was just so funny to me. You have to watch it. Really.

Go here.

And the guy with the mustache always makes me laugh. Not because he's funny. But because he has that mustache. I think the recent mustache trend at BYU is taking it's toll on me... More on that next week.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

I found this article on the BYU Website, and it's pretty interesting. A research study, led by a BYU professor, has shown that people are unconsciously affected by clean smells in the room. To achieve the clean smelling room they would just spray some Windex in the room. They did different tests and found that people in the clean smelling room were actually more virtuous. Read the article for more details.


Halloween is coming this Saturday. Are you excited to look for something to do? What costume are you going to wear? If you have not had any idea of how to spend this Halloween, here are some cool websites for you to look at:

Halloween Party Ideas
Halloween Costume
Halloween Music

Or if you aren't planning to go out, Full Halloween might give you some good horror movie choices.
lets see... the website i go to most often is

check it out at

its the COOLEST because you can pick your favorite song, put it in the search box, and then pandora pulls up all the music that sounds just like it!!

my favorite stations are Corrine Bailey Rae, Michael Buble, Jason Mraz, Rascall Flatts and Island In The Sun. in fact im listening to some norah jones on corrines station right now =] love it.

all i will now say/advise/encourage and ask you to do is make an account to listen and love your music. for free.

Home Star Runner

Many of our readers probably have seen this website, but Home Star Runner is worth another look. Home Star, Strong Bad, the Cheat, the King, Marzipan, and the rest of the crew are still around. There are new episodes, movies, games, and Strong Bad’s email, (remember the Strong Bad email that sounded suspiciously like it was from a soon-to-be LDS Missionary?) The cartoon takes a little time to get used to, but you’re sure to love the characters. Oh yes, I have probably spent too much time on this website, but it’s so funny.

"I'm Trying Hard to Grow.... Please Don't Walk on Me."

We've all seen these signs all over campus, and they are a perfect example that mass communication. The BYU version of the Don't Walk on the Grass sign can be found all throughout campus, usually on the corner of a section of grass. We've all seen them, and sometimes we choose to ignore them. Some generous souls do lengthen their stride a little to avoid the tiny patch of grass that's trying so hard to grow. There are just enough of these sign obeying people that in a week or two, the sign is removed. Once the sign is gone though, the grass gets trampled again by all the students who want to save a few more steps by cutting corners. After a few more weeks the sign returns, recalling our attention to the poor patch of grass that is being neglected.
At the beginning of the semester, it seemed that a lot more people were obeying the request of the sign and avoiding the grass. The signs would disappear faster and return slower. But half way through the semester, the signs seem to stay there permanently. This may be due to the change of season and the grass not growing as fast, but I'm going to assume that it's because of one of the problems with mass communication. Because a sign is read by just about everyone, it's easy to say to yourself, "Other people won't walk on the grass, so it's not going to hurt it if only one person does," and then you promptly walk across it. The problem is everyone else is thinking the same thing so everyone walks on the grass. Mass communication is meant for everyone, and because everyone knows everyone else is getting the same message, it's easy to say that you don't need to do it because other people will. Now if the sign was addressed people specifically by name, (making it more interpersonal communication) it would probably be a little more effective.

Glee's version of Sweet Caroline

One of our top 5 TV series, Glee come up again in our daily post for this week's theme: MUSIC. If you are Glee lovers, you must be so excited as its songs have been released on iTunes featured in this week's episode of Glee, including cast versions of Young MC's "Bust A Move", Neil Daimond's "Sweet Caroline" and Sigqo's "Thong Song".

"Glee: The Music, Volume 1," the first in a series of soundtracks will be released on Tuesday, Nov.3. "Glee: The Music, Volume 1" is expected to come up in several chart-topping hits.

Enjoy the music!

Jer3miah - BYU's compelling web series

Beyond Napoleon Dynamite, there is more great movies coming from BYU. One such example is the web series "Jer3miah." Made by BYU students, the web series Jer3miah follows the adventure and mystery of a BYU student who is discovering who he is, and why there are people trying to kill him. It is well made, compelling, and addictive. Beyond just watching the episodes, the viewers are invited to join in trying to solve the mystery through the show's companion websites and

See the pilot episode here:


Art is something that a lot of people shy away from because they think that it is over their head, but art doesn't always mean what you think it does. The debate "what is art?" is frequently discussed and varies from person to person. Recently I came across a website that to me expressed a unique view of the world. The website is and I am completely in love. They offer unique art items that cannot be found anywhere else. They offer clothing, stationary, art prints and much much more. Art is about expressing how you view the world and just by looking at this website you can tell exactly how artist Elise Falnnigian sees it.



All photos can be found on

BYUs top 5 music loves

First up is Owl City. This one man band is the latest sensation to hit campus. The electronic style of music is a great hit. Check out for samples of songs and albums.

Second we have Joseph: A Nashville Tribute to the Prophet. This CD is fantastic if you love country or simply love to feel the spirit, check this album out!!! The music is inspiring and really helps to build your testimony of Joseph Smith and what an amazing example of Christ he really was.

3rd Missionary music. Almost an oxymoron. In this odd little commentary I just want to say this, after 2 years of listening to the greatest LDS artists…I’m pretty sure I never want to hear another EFY song for at least two more additional years. Yes, I respect and enjoy good LDS music that helps me feel the spirit and teaches me in a small way about the gospel, but after two years straight of nothing than the Tabernacle Choir and EFY remixes of old hymns, I am not sure how long it will be before I can appreciate them again. I can honestly say that I listened to the same MoTab and Nashville Tribute albums hundreds of times, and sometimes I wonder “is it really possible to make 300 different versions of ‘Come thou fount of every blessing?’ Nevertheless, I do look forward to the time when I will be able to appreciate this music again. Although I have to admit, the final choir number in this last General Conference (“Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing”) just about made me a believer again. (You can find it here.)

fourth Chinese MusicForeign music, why not? At BYU’s amazing foreign language department, I’m sure that many students are exploring all different kinds of music from Chinese, Korean to Italian. To me, listening to songs in another language is very relaxing as I don’t have to focus that much on the lyrics but flow with the melody instead.

My top choice is Chinese songs. Anyone who is into Chinese music must have known Jay Chou, a Taiwanese musician, singer. Jay Chou composed all of his songs with meaningful, imagery- and emotionally-rich lyrics, sometimes written in the form of ancient Chinese poetry with reference to Chinese history or folklore. His music is a very interesting combination of traditional and modern Chinese culture. 夜曲(Ye Qu) - Nocturne is one of his old song, but it is always one of my top favorite songs.

5th but certainly not least...The Temper Trap.This is a new band that was recently featured on the 500 Days of Summer Soundtrack with their hit single Sweet Disposition. There new CD, Conditions, Dropped last week. They are a band from Australia and have a very unique sound. You can find their music on itunes or


A {Short} Concert Review

So I'm technically supposed to post on Saturday, but since it's real early Sunday, can that still count?

I got home late last night from the AMAZING Ingrid Michaelson concert and just had to share 3 things.

1. Ingrid is incredible. Her voice is so much better live and I didn't think that this was possible.

2. Audience participation is so much more fun. I think I am deaf today, but I don't mind.

3. The opening act, Matthew Perryman Jones is someone that everyone should be forced to listen to. For reals. Best vocals and lovely lyrics. Check him out.


.picture credit from Google search

A Billion for a Billion


Friday's Favorite Find is: Flo! commercials are some of my favorite. Why? Because of Flo. Who is she? Where did she come from? I have no idea, but she's got a big tricked out name tag.

If you remember, Progressive's commercials used to be rather boring. All you saw was a bunch of cars with Progressive printed on the side while some announcer talked about road side assistance. Needless to say, it was fairly boring. That's not how a commercial should be. Businesses want their commercial to grab your attention so they can communicate their message. For reasons unknown to me, introduced Flo. I think it was one of the best choices they've ever made. Every time Flo's on the screen, I give her my undivided attention. Does this mean I'm going to by insurance from Progressive? I don't know, but when I think of insurance companies, Progressive is usually first to pop into my mind, all thanks to Flo.

BYU Media Watch: modest clothes!!!!

modest clothes!!!!

dont you just love when you find new sites that are full of things you love?? we do.
this site is fantastic!! its called Shabby Apple and is a whole line of modest dresses. i know, i know, youre wondering how this has anything to do with media, right? and how does this really apply to byu students - boy byu students?
well it does actually.

reasons as to how this blog applies to our site:
1) girls dress modestly to feel good about their bodies and respect the gift God gave to us
2) these dresses are fabulous
3) clothes express a lot about a persons culture, especially our mormon culture where we love cute and modest clothes
4) guys like girls to be modest
5) its a mass communication website. they post pics of their clothing line and we obsess over their cute cuts, colors and outragious prices without communicating back to them

this is ONE of my favorites...

ok this is one of my OTHER favorites... i just have a lot.

they also have a blog!! go check it out and win fun stuff

"Top Gear"

Today’s pick comes from the other side of the pond, the BBC TV series "Top Gear." Yes, it’s a car show, but not just a dry,boring car show. This car show is different. It's funny, it's clever, it's answers important questions like:
In a one on one chase through a city mall which would win, a Ford Fiesta or a Chevy Corvette?

Just what does it take to destroy a Toyota pick-up truck? (A lot more than you’d think.)

Is it faster to get to the north pole by way of Sled Dogs or a 4x4?

And of course my personal favorite, what does it take to get shot on a road trip across the “barbaric” state of Alabama?

The show’s hosts Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and The Stig, provide plenty of humor plus actual car knowledge.

I have two words for all of you television watchers out there.

Arrested Development.

Yes that is right. It is one of the funniest shows that never got popular. If you have not seen it I strongly suggest that you jump on and check it out. If you love the office, or heck if you love TV, you will love this. Who doesn't love a good dysfunctional family?
When you finish watching all three seasons (in two weeks because your addicted) you will realize what a travesty it is that it was canceled. Check it out.

Marshmallow Eating

This has to be one of the funniest YouTube videos I've ever seen. According to the description, it's a Japanese game show. I'm not sure what the object of the game is, but it sure is entertaining to watch!

mormon tv

life isn't like television. im home for the weekend but for whatever reason dont feel like i live here anymore. when people ask me where home is this is where i call home but now that im back i feel out of sorts.

i used to associate this feeling with growing pains (not the show, the actual feeling), such that now that im growing up and moving into a new stage of my life i physically and emotionally feel different. on tv they make it seem like everything is normal once the main character goes home, like nothing has changed. but what hollywood cant portray is the feeling that everything HAS changed. the character has changed. his or her attitude and perspective on life has changed and to go back simply cannot be accomplished if he/she is going back to live the life he/she used to. everything is different.

in this state of being its comforting to know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever even if our mortal world is constantly evolving. memories are made and adventures are experienced, but unlike an episode tv, once it is over you cant just rewind and watch it exactly the same. life always changes and moves and changes and moves you.

anyway, those are my thoughts for tonight on how cougar student life relates to television =]

Top Five TV Shows

There is such a variety of shows on TV today it was hard to choose just five. Do we go with comedies? Dramas? Sitcoms? Cartoons? And what about the shows that have been canceled that didn't deserve to be? It was a difficult decision, but these five shows always make us come back for more.

1. The Office

What started out as a spin-off of the hit British comedy, The Office soon became a cultural phenomenon with bobble heads, awkward moments, and the gathering of students each week to see what Michael was going to do this week. Possibly the best known show on campus, that everyone has seen at least once, if not a million times, we love The Office because it makes us laugh. And because Jim and Pam are FINALLY getting married this week! So tune in. Thursdays at 9:00/8:00 c on NBC.

2. Glee

Nerds, football players, misfits, cheerleaders, cliques, catchy tunes and great comedy all set in High School. This is Glee. Whether you hated high school or loved it Glee connects with the awkward kid in all of us. With its catchy remakes of classic and contemporary songs Glee is here to stay. It is like high school musical but a million times better. With Broadway actors Matthew Morrison and Lea Michelle leading the cast the music is good, really good. Some say that it rivals the original. Glee finds the inner geek in all of us and that is what makes it so relatable-- that and the fact that it is hilarious. The cast of Glee was handpicked by directors wanting the exact right feel. Chris Colfer, who plays Kurt in Glee, had the role created for him after his audition because the directors liked him so much. In the first episode you can catch the Glee Club doing a rendition of Can’t Stop Believing by Journey and from there it only gets better. Check out Glee and you won’t be disappointed. It shows on Fox Wed. Nights at 8pm Mountain Standard Time.

3. Psych

Hrmm what to say about Psych… it’s only the funniest detective show on USA - or any cable channel for that matter. Hottie Shawn pretends to be psychic and the always practical Gus uses his “super smeller” they solve crimes for the Santa Barbra Police. If you’ve been an addict from the beginning you’ll know that these two have grown up together and that their relationship is half of what makes this show so darn funny.
Psych comes on every Friday at 10:00 pm on USA whose channel catch phrase is “Characters Welcome” so we suppose it makes sense since the next Psych episode is about werewolves. What a way to bring in the October month!!! We love Halloween and we love Psych and together it’s just, well, it’s fantastic right?
Check out their site to get the latest on one of campus’ hottest shows

4. Lost

Lost, as you can guess from the title, is an adventure of plane crash survivors on a tropical island. Viewers are engrossed in the series because of it mysterious characteristics. The storyline moves back and forth between current time and another point in a character’s life. Unlike many other TV series, where each stories are usually unfolded after a few episodes, the more we watch Lost, the more we are confused and frustrated as nothing has been solved. However, it is also what makes us keep watching in order to find the answers. The series airs on ABC Networks and the 6th season is coming out on May, 2010, which hopefully will reveal some mysteries.

Check out on ABC websites for any missing episodes (Probably you would find something unexpected)

5. Monk

Monk, a clever and funny detective show about a OCD retired police detectiveand one of USA’s top rated and best shows. We like this show for its memorable characters, clever storylines, and generally clean content. From the episode with the killer monkey to the one with a dead body in the mud bath, Monk delivers plenty of good stories. The bad news is that after seven very successful seasons, this great show will soon be coming to an end. If you haven’t got a chance to watch Monk yet, now would be a good time to start. Catch it on Fridays at 9PM (EST) on USA.